Supporting Local Businesses
Supporting local businesses is one of the ways Omello makes a positive impact on your community, the environment, and the South African Economy. What happens when we buy local?
- Boosts the Local Economy: When we buy from local businesses, we’re keeping our money in the local community. This helps to create jobs and stimulate local economic growth.
- Supports Local Suppliers: Buying from local businesses means supporting local suppliers. This can help to keep local production and distribution chains strong and vibrant.
- Reduces Our Carbon Footprint: Buying locally can reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation. Our products do not need to be transported long distances to get to our factory.
- Promotes Community Development: Local businesses are often active members of the community and support local events, organisations, and causes. By supporting local businesses, we can help to create a more vibrant and sustainable community.
- Ensures Quality Products: Local businesses are often more attuned to the needs and preferences of their local community. The result is that they’re well placed to offer quality products that are tailored to meet local needs and tastes.
Leveraging Technology
Using the latest technology means that we are constantly moving towards being more and more environmentally friendly. Packaging and production are two areas which can make a big impact on the environment and sustainability. How does Omello use technology to help green the environment?
- Edge Cartons: Recyclable packaging made from plant-based polymers, wood fibres and Bonsucro materials.
- Caps: Made from sugar cane.
- Certified materials from renewable sources.
- Verified responsible sourcing of raw materials.
- Stream-lined and energy-efficient production processes.
Responsible Stewardship of Resources
One of the most valuable resources we all use is water. Without it we cannot survive. It’s with this in mind that we take the attitude that Every Drop Matters. Practically this means that we seek to maintain a waterwise life-path. This prevents water from being lost or wasted as we use it in production and to keep our factory clean. It also ensures that water is cleaned and then recycled for downstream purposes.